Sixth Form Enrichment Activities
To support your academic and overall achievement throughout your time at Sixth Form we offer a unique combination of academic, pastoral and personal development focused activities to support you in becoming all that God has planned for you to be.
Below you will see the range of activities that our students regularly engage in as part of their Sixth Form Study Programme. We are very proud of the extensive range of activities which our students enjoy and we encourage all of our student to engage with our support in securing places in these often highly sought after programmes.
Blackwell Adventure Away Day for Year 12 – September – Team Building focus
Sir Doug Ellis Pathway to Healthcare Programme – Aston University
University of Birmingham Routes to the Professions
University of Birmingham Mini-Med Lecture Series
University of Birmingham A2B Scheme
University of Reading Scholars Programme
University of Warwick Pathways
University of Oxford Masterclasses (French, History, Philosophy), plus residential courses in Mathematics
Aspire to HE with University of Wolverhampton
UCAS Training and Support
Oxbridge Preparation Days
Employability Skills Events- Barclays Life Skills
New Cross Hospital Visits (live surgery)
RE Revision Conferences – Diocesan, Candle Conferences
Stone Computing/IT Visits
Mindfulness Training Course
Krakow and Auschwitz Residential Visit
Rome Residential Visit
Nandos Reward Scheme (Attendance)
Newman University English Support
Make A Wish Charity Fundraising Activities
Smile For Joel Fancy Dress Fundraising Event
Movie Nights - lower school liaison events
Academic Mentoring – literacy and numeracy support
Service to wider school community – lesson support/mentoring
Reading Buddies scheme – lower school mentoring
Leading Football Tournaments
Whole School Charity day – planned and led by Year 12
Revision School – half termly and during Easter
Guest Speakers to support Catholic Values Programme (General RE/PSHE)
Primary School Work Experience Placements
Work Experience week in January for Year 12 cohort
Virtual Work Experience Placements – Springpod
Student Leadership training – School Council and Chaplaincy Team