Intent of Rewards
Our school ethos of To always do and be our best is the foremost guiding principal when thinking about what we want the intent of our rewards policy to be. As opposed to simply praising students, rewards at Stuart Bathurst should be ambitious and coherently sequenced in order to help all learners develop a positive attitude to learning regardless of background or characteristic. Rewards can play a fundamental part in creating an environment where all learners take pride in their achievements and are committed to their learning.
Therefore, rewards at Bathurst will meet the follow objectives:
A: Ensure all staff reward significantly more than they sanction.
B: All cohorts, including KS5, are consistently rewarded, not just the most vocal or most able.
C: Rewards are available in a range of formats:
- Short Term: Pupil of the week, Breakfast with a member of SLT, Star of the Lesson drawn in Collective Worship Form of the Week, Subject and HoY postcards/certificates
- Long Term: i.e. Y7/8 Winter Disco in Dec, Y9/10 Golden Time Dec, Rewards Trips Yr7-10 Yr11 Prom Tickets
- Individual and Form group.
D: We celebrate our success via the mainly through the newsletter and the school website but also press releases and communicate with parents and carers.
E: We recognise the importance of literacy and have created a set of awards based on these and use these as a way to build confidence.
F: Rewards are used to help motivate students and have a wider impact, developing a positive attitude.
Implementation of Rewards:
Attendance Catholic Ethos Literacy
Daily |
Weekly |
Each Half Term |
Termly |
Classchart points award by teachers for both attitude and work.
'Skip the Queue' lunch pass, one per year group given out by Heads of Year based on highest Class Charts score previous day |
Pupil of the week awarded by Tutors, Heads of Year & Welfare Officers
Breakfast with Mr Holder / Mr May for highest Class Charts score.
Golden ticket for each student chosen as the Pupil of the lesson. Then entered into the Star of the Lesson raffle in Collective Worship
Form of the Week in each year group based on average attendance + Class Charts form total / number of students in each form.
Subject Certificates for outstanding work.
Most improved attendance prizes
‘Getting it right’ award by Heads of Year during lesson drop ins.
Prefect awards for Acts of Random Kindness.
Top 3 Most Words Read
Takeaway lunch for best form in each year.
Headteacher letters of commendation based on ClasssCharts ratio
100% attendance certificates
‘Hall of Fame’ pieces of work both physically but continue in the Newsletter
Target 10 attendance challenge for students who are currently persistently absent.
Values certificates from Heads of Year
Number of AR Quizzes completed: individual competition |
Rewards Assemblies in Dec, April and July with Bronze, Silver, Gold badges and letters home
Y7/8 Winter Disco in December.
Y9/10 Golden Time in December
Autumn and Summer Term rewards trips Yr7, 8, 9, 10 and 12.
Year 11 and 13 exam rewards trip
Yr11 and Yr13 Prom Tickets
Final week attendance prize
Who has read the most.